Saturday, November 04, 2006

Preexistence of Academia

“What do you want to know about yourself?” asks the Master.
“I’d like to know whether it is good for me to study more,” answers the student.
“Let me see. According to your astrological sign, you will pursue new knowledge all of your life…”
“So, does that mean it is okay for me to go back to school next year?”
“Pursuing knowledge doesn’t necessarily have to be in school; but if that’s what you desire, no one and nothing can stop you,” the Master replies.

After talking to the master, J spent the entire evening ruminating over comment given by this renowned astrologist who has been practicing a genre of ancient fortunetelling in the area of Tibetan mountains.

Through the mind’s eye, J had seen a little boy running fast with an overloaded school bag around the Seine River. This red-cheeked boy loved going to school and studied catechism in the evening at the local chapel. He dreamed of becoming a great philosopher and scientist like Aristotle. The burning fire of absorbing new things in his heart, mind, and brain seemed inextinguishable.

J also noticed one thing singular about the boy. He not only could read French and Latin but also some sort of ancient hieroglyph. To J’s surprise, he also spotted a book that was called “Rites of Zhou” among a myriad of books in the boy’s study. There was a delicate painting revealed a Greek goddess that was dancing among innumerous green fairies in a spacious golden palace.

In a blink of time, the scene shifted abruptly to a market where thousands of people gathered for an unknown yet seemed important event in the town. The little boy ran so fast and almost tripped himself over in the cobble- stone street. By the time he arrived at the fountain square where the important event was taking place, city police were already there standing by. Then a magnificent black chariot driven by eight pure white horses pulled in at the façade of the giant statue of Napoleon. A man with elegant attire stepped out of the chariot and the crowded began to hail…

…To be continued.

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