Friday, June 30, 2006

Lara Fabian

Okay, the training session sucked! But at least I know they’ve tried their best… I’ve got myself the Internet and shall be getting it set up by next Tuesday. It would be great because I can start doing more research and get more things done on here as well.
I suddenly realized that I still have several hours left at the German language school. But I’m so busy and can’t attend the classes. Hopefully I will be able to squeeze some time after August. Oh, I bought Lara Fabian’s “9” album today. I just love to listen to her. She sings so well in French; and I also found out she is actually Belgian not Canadian.
On the way home, I saw many people gather at Carnegie, watching World Cup. I’m just going to wait until the semifinals. Yeh! I only have to work three hours tomorrow!

Thursday, June 29, 2006


So, summer vacation has begun! I’m jealous because I still have to work. I have to attend a training session this afternoon. It’d better be good or I’ll be pissed. And those foreign teachers had better be there too. Who says only native speakers can teach well? I beg to differ… Anyway, I’m not going to whine on that. At least I really love teaching and always have passion in helping students, not like many others who just want to “experience” the culture!

Can’t believe I woke up at 5 am today! I hope it’s not a sign of aging, hehe. But it did feel great. I love listening to BBC on the radio but since it broadcasts so early in the morning, I usually don’t get to hear the news. Today was an exception.

I bought another copy of “American Scientist” and a book about brain science. Sigh, I just can’t resist the temptation when it comes to books. Incurably bookalcoholic me!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Suisse Suisse Suisse!!!

Finally I’ve moved all my stuff to the new apartment. It was such a drag hauling my belongings; especially I have so many books! It must’ve been over 100 kg!! Anyway, I am glad it’s over. Again, I forgot how sultry it can get here in summer. I wish I had some time off, so I could head to the beach or at least take a trip back to Taidong. Unfortunately, I have to work a lot in July and August.

I had my students talk about their summer vacations and it turned out most of them liked to travel overseas. Bali sounds cool but after those devastating explosions, some are more reluctant to set their feet on that island. It’s always fun listening to students’ interesting experiences…

I hope Dr. Joy has brought me some books about neuroscience. And of course the infamous “Sun Cake”! It’s been ages since I had it. Ta-Bei took me to one of the best stores in Taichung before. I remember we rode his DT, wandering in numerous alleys to find the place. I can’t believe it was over 13 years ago. Damn! I feel old…

Guess what? I got to speak French today while chatting with a new colleague. I just love that language. Sometimes, I really miss Lausanne and speaking of which, I still owe Cryille a letter. His second baby shall be due any time soon. Last time I saw him and his wife was in Zurich. We had a blast spending the tranquil afternoon in the park, along the lake, and at that authentic Chinese restaurant. It was such a fatabulous day! Oh, by the way, that McDonald’s near the bridge hadn’t changed a bit when I visited Zurich again after almost seven years. The first time I was there I had just finished my in-training at Mont-Pelerin.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Why must it be London?

Does he have to go to London? Nay, there are other great art schools in America too. Just a while back, I saw my own poem glued in his sketch book. Hey hey, finally my work is in his as well. Now, everyone talks about World Cup, but I only want to watch the final four games. Who is going to win? Brazil still looks promising!!
So, here again, one of my favorite poems. For those who have lost their accents, I wonder it is a good thing or not…


Cherry blossom danced gracefully
On a sidewalk of Kyoto City
French melody played cozily
With rhythms of autumn breeze
When travelers’ eyes gazed
At an oblivious scene
The magic of Sahara would release
My dear olive tree
Don’t ask where my hometown is
My accent has even changed
Only the beauty of cloisonné
Can gently rock
My sweetest memory
In this sunset of the Mediterranean Sea

By Jerski Bjorksen October 17, 2005

Once in a blue moon...

Although life can be hectic and tough, but I had metamorphosed once and clearly know there is only one cure that can push me moving forward. I have no time weeping for the past, let alone sobbing for any loss. My recent focus in life is on neuroscience and its relationship with language. Why didn’t I ever pay close attention to this fascinating field? The intricate structure of brain and its related functions profoundly amaze me. I have never thought I would actually buy a neuroanatomy book and spend hours and hours figuring out the complexity of our important organ. I have therefore determined to dive into this academic area in hopes that I will someday come up with concrete methods helping more people to acquire languages effectively, especially students in Asia. Now, the programs at Brown and Chicago seem very nice, yet I might end up going to University of Texas, Dallas, since their neuroscience program intrigues me deeply as well. And certainly, my two good Taiwanese friends live in Texas and they always want me to move there. For now, I just need to concentrate on narrowing down my research area and writing up a project proposal in the domain of neurolinguistics.

I haven’t been back to Taidong for over three years. At times, I miss the blue sky and green mountains and of course the Pacific Ocean. I miss being able to ride my bike on the street, enjoying the fresh air on a late summer night. It was a great blessing growing up in a place like Taidong. My childhood memory is full of fun activities and adventures. When the feeling overcame me the other night, I quickly penned down a poem “Forest of Horror”. I can still clearly see the picturesque scene near the Beh-Nan River and my good old buddies from the third grade. Those fabulous days had long before turned into verdant leaves on the white water of crystal-clear streams in my beloved hometown… The excitement of exploring the notorious forest had always been hidden at the bottom of my heart. And the fictitious part of babies’ cheeks was a mischievous fantasy I got from some comic book I read in elementary school.
I would love to dedicate this poem to all my friends that are from Taidoing or had spent time there or anyone who simply knows that paradise…

Forest of Horror

Stand by me
Bamboo leaves
Dangle down the winding stream
Afternoon rings
Entertainment begins
Every one dashes to the green submarine
Catching little slimy loaches
One bet leads to another
Who dares to challenge the forbidden scene
Marbles tops and comics
All these shall be the reward of bravery
Blindfolded he must be
Walking into the Forest of Horror
The sun shines languidly
No breeze but trembling feet
One two three
Take off the shield
Swirls a blast of chilly wind
Everything seems static
Jaws drop eyes freeze
A baby’s bleeding cheek
Hangs in an old banyan tree
Turn spin and we all see
Four five six
Scream push and flee !

Written by Jerski Bjorksen, May 24, 2006