Tuesday, November 28, 2006



Blue as your eyes
White as your smile
A giant junk slides by
My melancholy time
Deep forests lie
On my cliffy mind
Submerging on every corner
Of ocean light
Fjord is on the other side
The sun is about to rise
And I hope my love for you
Shall never die…
Written by Jerski Bjorksen

Monday, November 27, 2006

Why do I have to

Why do I have to

Why do I have to listen to
Your crap
I’m not a trash can
Why do I have to play
Your stupid game
I’m not an idiot without brain
Get over with your own problem
And stop bugging friends
No one needs to tolerate
Your ridiculous drama
And things are not that lame
You are just being a big pain
In the ASS!
Written by Jerski Bjorksen

Voice of Mother Nature

I happened to find a few old photos at my parents’ house last month. I can’t believe some of those old friends have changed so much now. There was one particular picture taken in front of the chapel; and S and I were wearing formal clothes. It seemed to me that I still could feel the warmth of the sun and breeze of that balmy Sunday afternoon…

I went to a little concert held by a group of aborigines last weekend. Many of those musicians are from my hometown, Taidong. I felt overwhelmed by their voice, the one from Mother Nature. Funny to say, when I was little, I was always regarded as aborigine because of my large eyes. My mom told me when she took me to the clinic, doctors or nurses usually asked mother whether my father was an aborigine.

During my teenage days, I did make some really good aboriginal friends. I envied how well they could sing and dance. It’s definitely a talent and a gift from God. The purity of their voice reminded me of that pristine, desolate and tranquil land of my youth. I hope it will be preserved and not get polluted too much in the future.
My heart and mind were once again being touched when voice of Mother Nature cast its magic on a beautiful Saturday last week; and I will never forget that wonderful event…Next time, if there is another similar concert, I’m going to attend, too!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Neuroscience, linguistics and me

Tossed was the past
Embraced is the future
Don’t need to look for me
For I’ve already reached the far end
Of my childhood dream
And started paving a new boulevard
Under the sun and the moon and a sea of stars…

Combining neuroscience and linguistics to find out a better way for Asian students to learn English more effectively is my academic interest. If brain can be readily manipulated to acquire linguistic skills, then one should be able to find out specific ways to trigger neurons to acquire a second language as does the first language.

Why does it seem more difficult for Asian students to learn English well compared with other Europeans? If UG theory is sustained, people should have pre-wired capability to learn other languages. What are factors strongly influencing an adult’s second language acquisition? Is it possible to have adults acquire other languages like they do for their first ones? How can one apply fMRI scanning to monitor brain activities in order to sort out a pattern or decode the mystery of linguistic acquisition embedded in the brain? Supposedly one utilizes the left hemisphere of brain to learn a language, but recent studies suggest any brain activity very likely be related with more than one specific area in the brain.

Can we possibly apply the nanotechnology to cure any brain damage without drilling a hole in one’s skull? If it’s possible, can we utilize the same method to trigger neurons to be active again so that one can acquire a second language as efficiently as the first one?

How can we use nanotechnology to create a device that is able to go through skin and enter blood vessel so as to locate infected or mutated cells such as cancer or tumor? Is it possible to come up with such a medical tool? If so, then we won’t need to drill a hole on a patient’s skull to treat brain damage or related cerebral diseases. My speculation is whether it is likely to devise delicate equipment; the challenge leads to the fundamental issue-the complex brain structure. Is the device able to penetrate the protective brain wall-capillary without damaging the endothelial cells? Otherwise, it will also leave an opening path to let other infectious viruses go into the brain.

Such a device would be ingenuous to applications of brain damage treatment or stimulation of brain cells. My proposal is to apply this device combined with electrodes stimulating brain cells to provoke language acquisition in a more effective way. Perhaps we can find out why Asia students cannot learn English as well as their European counterparts? How much does the environmental impact an individual’s language acquisition? What about bilingual and multi-lingual individuals? Can we sort out a generalization using fMRI or PET? The comparison between Asians and Europeans’ scanning would be interesting to observe. Other than that, I would like to study why female in general seems to be adept in articulation and pronunciation compared to male in Asia? There are a lot of research done in the past, indicating women are better in verbal expression. However, is it possible to use high- tech devices to manipulate our brain and change the phenomenon? What makes the difference between female and male’s language acquisition? My ultimate goal is to probe into the second language acquisition and find out whether we are capable to use modern technology to help adult learners acquire other languages as well as their first one.

I also want to examine brain activities, via PET or fMRI, on those who can do simultaneous English-Chinese translation. I accidentally found out I can think in Chinese but write out words in English at the same time. What would be my brain activities? Does that literally mean my brain can carry out both mechanisms at the same time or is there indeed some subtle variation in the processing time? Could it mean something to help us find a better method in language acquisition? What about using our will and mind to change the adult’s brain neurons as says in Jeffery M. Schwartz’s book “The Mind and the Brain”? If we can find a way to activate or make our brain act like the other language speakers’ first language acquisition pattern or style, shouldn’t one learn his or her second or even third language more successfully? Perhaps we can unveil the mystery of those we call talented language learners’ linguistic properties.

I personally believe one can learn a second language just like his native tongue. Yet, how much should one devote himself in that? When referring to internalizing a second language, what would be the average environmental immersion effort? And how much will a person’s will power and mind affect the language acquisition? Can we use a more scientific methodology to change an adult’s language learning, which is believed being fixed for the mother tongue? Is it possible one can break the mold when studying a foreign language? My focus will be on Mandarin vs. English acquisition. It would be fascinating seeing English native speakers use the same way native Mandarin speakers do in acquiring their first language.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006



Fell down
To the greened-pond
Like yesterday’s glistening tuxes
At my own pretentious blued- funeral
Purplish sleeves of embroidered cloak mangled
With thousands of imprinted images from antediluvians
High as the red sky low as the silver waves of forsaken mines
Where on earth could I settle down in a shelter without troublesome mind
Stretching along the tinsels of Christmas trees in a dream full of peripatetic thought
Looking forward to embracing another life of reincarnated flesh painted in white light
Written by Jerski Bjorksen

Monday, November 20, 2006

Beyond the Galaxy

Beyond the Galaxy

Come from a world
Beyond the galaxy
Exposing to this newly made earth
Come from a planet
Beyond the galaxy
Seeking the past of ancient legacy

The mystery of all humans
Intertwined with various ethnicities
Faded histories replayed over and over
I see love and hatred
Existing in every corner of this globe
Unfortunately, selfishness suppresses
Most hearts
Leaving myriads of unsolved problems
Piling up with afflicted beings

Come from a world
Beyond the galaxy
Our wisdom is from the Almighty
Our love is pure spring
Come from a planet
Beyond the galaxy
Where no one is judged by
His or her skin
Because we communicate through each other’s soul
Seeing the inhabitants in this world
I don’t know whether I should
cry or mock
For all the humanitarian issues
Are never concerns
In our universe

Why do people attack one another?
Aren’t they aware that color can be changed?
Don’t they realize that image can be altered?
Once they attain the kingdom of God
Once they become like their Father above
For the Almighty is omnipotent
And we are all His beloved

Poor or rich
Beauty or beast
Genius or mediocre
Hetero or homo
All these lie in simplicity
If they know heart is more intelligent
Than brain
If they know the opposition is to
Let the rich share with the poor
The beauty soften the beast
The genius serve the mediocre
The hetero respect the homo
For we are all equal and shouldn’t
Right or wrong
Is never a man’s task
It’s the supreme God’s
Everyone has a choice
So, why wage wars
Everyone is unique
Therefore, cherish differences!

Come from a world
Beyond the galaxy
Where peace is part of
Where love conquers
All evildoing
Come from a world
Beyond the galaxy
Where everyone is his or her
Own Master or Goddess!
Come to say farewell
And good luck
My fair voyage!
Written by Jerski Bjorksen

Tuesday, November 14, 2006



Project is nearly completed
Today was a cool day for me
Stone slab was lifted
In a lightning speed
Mail from Venice
Heart is set for a new scene
Who is going to miss
Me in another world of diversity
Will a blue moon turn into orange
Shed no tears
My dear
Cry no words
My darling
I am just going to leave
For a hiatus in an ocean so green…
Written by Jerski Bjorksen

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Bubbles of blue moon form
An impressionist conundrum
September 22, 1976
A day to remember

“Can you take us to the Confucius Temple on Wednesday?” asked T.
“Sure, I’d love to…”
The used-to-be landmark of Taipei, Grand Hotel, stands as a giant ancient temple on the lush green hill, overlooking the northern part of Taipei basin. Tourists love taking photos at the façade of this magnificent edifice.

“We sort of idolized many saints or heroes in Chinese culture,” I explained.
“So, that is why there are many gods in your religious beliefs or philosophy?” asked R. as he contemplated the grandeur of various statues…The smoke of incense was everywhere in the temple, leaving a trace of serenity on a sunny afternoon one rarely found in this city.

Although I had to show these northern Americans around, my mind was on something else. Racing like an express train, my soul has been turned inside out, exposed to the bright sunshine outside the MRT. I took a glimpse at the corner of my shades and realized there was a reflection of D, an image I would never forget…

“When you feel alone and the world has turned its back on you…” the radio was singing as I looked up at the ceiling. So, this is what happens when loving someone. But I prefer what it says in “Rule of Four”, “you’d better love something that can love you back.” However, I’m not a quitter really, never was and will never be. Okay, perhaps I need to have a brain lobectomy, so I won’t be suffering so much. Yet, is that really going to help? If someone’s heart is already broken and his soul hunted, will all the feelings be gone?

Trying very hard to reach the back of my head, I slowly closed my eyes, pulling out an ice pick, and moved my elbow inch by inch until the top of the pick almost touched my skull where my frontal lobe lay underneath…

To be continued…

Thursday, November 09, 2006



Flipping through leafs of youth
It occurred to me
A silhouette of east wind
Had assassinated a naïve dream
Slashed was your wrist
Dropped was my blood
Who had burnt our box of secret
Light of future dimmed
Yet it wasn’t the moment of extremity
Despair might suppress
But it would never prevail
As long as faith sustained
Malleable personality
Could turn into adamant will
Jettisoned was an old burden
Embraced was the acme
You and I still faced a new challenge…
Written by Jerski Bjorksen


To Joy...


There is never a beginning
How can one find an end
Circle of life
Nowhere to hide
Glory of God
Touches every heart
Little angels’ laugh
And begets tons of love

Written by Jerski Bjorksen

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


They called me to attend German class last night, which I almost forgot. I didn’t like the previous teacher. Gosh, I just don’t think he ever learned how to teach language although he is a German native-speaker.

Something happened in my life recently; and to be honest I didn’t like it a whole lot. What can I say? S. said I have too much sense. Yeah, it’s me. I like to pursue new knowledge. Back in the church, everyone thought one should get married after a certain age, which I thought was completely bullshit! Why? I don’t want to be in wedlock, okay? Perhaps I’m a narcissist, but who cares? If I have to care about everyone’s opinion, I won’t be able to move even my finger an inch in this twisted world…

Therefore, I once again beat myself to sobriety! I really don’t have much time for anything else. In addition, I can’t force anyone to accept anything, right? So, setting me free is probably a good thing to others as well…

I got another book about neuroscience the other day. Really, I consider this path is getting more and more interesting. I am determined to come up with some magnificent breakthrough so as to facilitate millions of people who want to improve their linguistic skills. Texas! I’m coming soon!

Reading Spanish has become part of my daily activities. Now I just need to add German as well. J. has been gone to Italy already. Such is life, isn’t it? Friends come and go; and we don’t know when we’ll be seeing each other again. My childhood memory flashed back, revealing an old story, which yanked out a buried box of a sad past. I guess when being in a confined world, one could easily constrain himself to a track of fatal thought. Weakness is never happiness!

Oh well, German class I am coming this morning and the teacher had better be great!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Preexistence of Academia

“What do you want to know about yourself?” asks the Master.
“I’d like to know whether it is good for me to study more,” answers the student.
“Let me see. According to your astrological sign, you will pursue new knowledge all of your life…”
“So, does that mean it is okay for me to go back to school next year?”
“Pursuing knowledge doesn’t necessarily have to be in school; but if that’s what you desire, no one and nothing can stop you,” the Master replies.

After talking to the master, J spent the entire evening ruminating over comment given by this renowned astrologist who has been practicing a genre of ancient fortunetelling in the area of Tibetan mountains.

Through the mind’s eye, J had seen a little boy running fast with an overloaded school bag around the Seine River. This red-cheeked boy loved going to school and studied catechism in the evening at the local chapel. He dreamed of becoming a great philosopher and scientist like Aristotle. The burning fire of absorbing new things in his heart, mind, and brain seemed inextinguishable.

J also noticed one thing singular about the boy. He not only could read French and Latin but also some sort of ancient hieroglyph. To J’s surprise, he also spotted a book that was called “Rites of Zhou” among a myriad of books in the boy’s study. There was a delicate painting revealed a Greek goddess that was dancing among innumerous green fairies in a spacious golden palace.

In a blink of time, the scene shifted abruptly to a market where thousands of people gathered for an unknown yet seemed important event in the town. The little boy ran so fast and almost tripped himself over in the cobble- stone street. By the time he arrived at the fountain square where the important event was taking place, city police were already there standing by. Then a magnificent black chariot driven by eight pure white horses pulled in at the façade of the giant statue of Napoleon. A man with elegant attire stepped out of the chariot and the crowded began to hail…

…To be continued.

Thursday, November 02, 2006



Incessant barking of wild dogs hunted
The alley of a harbor village
Dilapidated houses buried in forgotten trees
A scorched photo lied next to a figurine
Once a prosperous scene
Now a rampant disease
Who’s fault was that
Don’t blame everything on God
Or the Evil Spirit
Man is de facto his own cause of sin
We must think
Water from the sea
Echo of the valley
Nature has its own course
Outcry of firmament
Splat of osmanthus
Awaked the deceased
Can’t you all see
Our fate is sealed
In a book of genealogy…
Written by Jerski Bjorksen

Not that bad

Today was my first day teaching at the nursing school. I’m responsible for helping those who are a little behind in class. However, after I finished the class, I realized my students are actually not that bad. They just need someone who can guide them to the right track in learning English. I’m pleased to have accepted the teaching offer a few weeks ago…

U.S. President, George W. Bush, said Chinese people save too much money in the bank and they should spend more. He hopes China will be a great nation of U.S. product consumption. Well, I just thought that was a very naïve comment. Apparently Bush didn’t know why Chinese people like to save money; it is estimated the saving amount holds 44 percent of GDP compared to the United States’ 14 percent. Well, Bush might be right about China’s welfare and pension systems which are not as good as the America’s but “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

Thrift has been regarded a virtue for centuries in China. Chinese always teach their children to save a large portion of earning for the future use. No matter where one goes, this traditional thought is deeply rooted in a Chinese. Therefore, I think it’s not only people know they cannot rely much on the government but also a legacy being passed on for many generations. I doubt Mr. Bush really understands this aspect…What do you think-someone that used “the Internets” in his recent interview?