Saturday, March 31, 2007

Who Will Know

Who Will Know

White watershed turns
At the corner of my past
Blue chapel erects
On a ground so steadfast
Faltering is your faith
Not my path
Who will know
Whether the heaven exists
Or it’s never there
Which life is going to last
I plot a project
With all my strength
At a snail's pace
Under a vow of inner praise

Written by JerSki BjorkSen, March 31, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Azalea garden

What’s it like hovering above the Grand Crayon? I used to ask myself this question when I was little. The first time I saw a travel book from the next door neighbor, I was mesmerized by all those scenic views from various countries. Cherry blossoms, tulips, Swiss chalets, and English chateaus carried indescribable magic to me. Who wouldn’t want to visit those places if one had a chance?

I looked down the street from my room, spotting neighborhood kids playing house, but I confined myself in a world of books and studies. I knew I had to finish homework before joining them to catch cicadas over the Mountain Cat. Yeah, Mountain Carp and Mountain Cat were two famous playgrounds to us. Certainly there lied a mysterious story under the dark and filthy ground behind a cemetery.

Summer time seemed too short as it always did. I hadn’t had any opportunity visiting my secret garden in the Forest of Horror. W. and I dissected a frog and lizard to see which one’s heart beat faster. We then buried the remains under a rose bush, pretending to be shamans from South America, to ward off the evil. I wonder how those azalea trees were. I planted them for a wish made by my little but wondering soul…

Who said I couldn’t be good at math? Who said I would never speak multi-languages? Who said I must lead a lifestyle everyone else did? Oh, generic category disgusted me. I wanted something different, something out of this world! I wanted to fly over oceans and mountains. I wanted to float in thoughts of unlimited galaxies! I WANTED to be my own master in everything!

So, it’s time to move on. I shall go and learn again. I shall enjoy the ivory environment and savor the nectar of intellectuality and academics. Burning every bit of my energy both physical and spiritual is to define humanity and stretch wisdom to its limits.

I heard childhood friends’ laughter and saw their worn-out khaki uniforms. But the sun shone on those angelic faces, reminding me who I really was-a child from a pristine and blue world of eastern sea…

Wednesday, March 21, 2007



I see a travel book
Crooked like a hook
I hear a green duck
Pecking on my pot
May first is a dot
For another sailing log
I shall touch
A brand new part
In my brain and heart…
Written by JerSki BjorkSen

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Frothy flowers over my shoulders

M came to Taiwan for a visit; and we met yesterday afternoon. He had another friend with him as well. I sure felt great seeing him since 2004. We had noodles for lunch and then headed to Taipei 101. He wanted to buy a watch, which cost about USD170. But I thought it would be better for him to get that in the States.

While eating ice cream at Taipei 101, we phoned Taylor. He sounded half asleep; but I thought he usually went to bed after midnight. M and Taylor were good friends and we all went to the U. I graduated first, then M. then Taylor. During those past three years, Taylor got married and now has a son. I guess I will be able to see his kid sometime soon…

Recent research demonstrated that using stem cells instead of neural cells can actually make damaged neurons to grow and regain certain cerebral functions. It’s really great news to many doctors and neuroscientists, and of course those whose family members suffer from brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Certainly the researchers used rats as experimental subjects, a usual approach to examine and induce whether it would have the same result for humans. I suppose human experiments regarding any medical trials are difficult because it involves ethics and safety issues. Brain is so complex and any slight mistake can possibly cause severe damage. Therefore doctors and scientists must make sure the risk is the lowest and have to run tests many times on animals before applying them to human beings.

Again, my immediate reaction directed to language related issues in brain. If stem cells can be used instead of neural ones, then how can we utilize this to help those who suffer impairment in language, for example, dyslexia? I need more time pondering on this thing. I want to read more research about this area…

Frothy flowers were over my shoulders when M. asked what I saw myself in ten years. I didn’t tell him I planned to live in Swiss and work for one of the top brain institutions and enjoy myself the beauty of suburban community next to Geneva Lake.

Friday, March 02, 2007



Bright light shatters
A blanket of snow flakes
Icebergs of Antarctic land
Slowly draw an illegible word
On the surface of my crystal home
And blunt
Without explanation
In this cadaverous March
Spins a sapphire seahorse
Blowing colourful triangles
To an unrecognizable soul

Written by JerSki BjorkSen, March 2, 2007