Wednesday, November 28, 2007

For What I learn

For what I learn

Winter breeze rushes in
Like half-awake pedestrians
Burning email ticked
My weakest point in flesh
I shouted and shouted
For what I learn
Fame, wealth, or compliment
If someone says he is
Really altruistic
I will just give a cold look
An icy cold one
Honestly philosophical debate
Definition of theory
It doesn’t matter
Because what man tries to prove
Is merely superiority and smugness
For what I learn
I keep asking incessantly
I have taken life too seriously

Written by JerSki BjorkSen

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Poetry Contest

It’s been a long time since I submitted poetry for contests. About three weeks ago, I sent out one poem titled ~Time and Space, and this week I heard from the editors, saying they liked my work. I was glad to know at least my poetry was appreciated.

We’ve been discussing issues in metaphorical thought and applications of conceptualization. Poetic mind, perhaps I too have it, otherwise how can I write poems?

News reveals there is an ongoing strike in France due to the economic reform proposed by the French government. It is always a debating topic when it comes to benefits between employer and employee, let alone the entire competitiveness of a nation. I guess the current victims are those who need public transportation for work, they must find other means; and the winter weather adds its severity. I recall my days in Paris when there were several scheduled strikes. It was a pain in the butt!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007



Seagulls hover around the pier
Rocks of future sleep sound
Morning passersby walk slowly
Toward different endpoints
When you are traveling
On the other side of the world
My heart is full of bittersweet feelings
As I pen down lines of reflection
For the book of lost things
Your poetry has entrenched deeply
In my long term memory

Written by JerSki BjorkSen