Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Origami Lady

“She died! She died! Lady S died!” shouted hysterically the haggard sister of Lady S.
“Finally! Good for her. It’s a release for every one of us,” said Wise.
Every since S was born, every family member knew the day would arrive sooner or later…But is it too soon or too late?

Born with coronary impairments and without a corpus callosum, S had shown peculiar symptoms such as chest pain, epilepsy, and retardation in speech. She could not even button her own shirts until ten years old. Most of time, she seemed to be engaged in her own world, a mysterious one that was well-shielded with incomprehensible behaviors.

In order to cure her illness, S’s parents tried every possible way, traditional Chinese remedies, western medicine, and even singular religious beliefs; but none of them actually worked. After several years’ endeavors, the family eventually came to accept the fact S would not be a normal child and every one just had to do his best to make sure she was safe.

“Get out of my face! You dirty, filthy, and ugly pig!” S yelled at the top of her lung as she pushed her father away with a blow of sudden power.
“What the heck…” the father’s jaw dropped with eyes wide-opened as he slowly put down the bowl of mung bean soup. It was S’s first time to talk like a real kid, with emotion and intonation in words. It was a miracle to the father and the rest of the family!

…To Be Continued.

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