Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Suisse Suisse Suisse!!!

Finally I’ve moved all my stuff to the new apartment. It was such a drag hauling my belongings; especially I have so many books! It must’ve been over 100 kg!! Anyway, I am glad it’s over. Again, I forgot how sultry it can get here in summer. I wish I had some time off, so I could head to the beach or at least take a trip back to Taidong. Unfortunately, I have to work a lot in July and August.

I had my students talk about their summer vacations and it turned out most of them liked to travel overseas. Bali sounds cool but after those devastating explosions, some are more reluctant to set their feet on that island. It’s always fun listening to students’ interesting experiences…

I hope Dr. Joy has brought me some books about neuroscience. And of course the infamous “Sun Cake”! It’s been ages since I had it. Ta-Bei took me to one of the best stores in Taichung before. I remember we rode his DT, wandering in numerous alleys to find the place. I can’t believe it was over 13 years ago. Damn! I feel old…

Guess what? I got to speak French today while chatting with a new colleague. I just love that language. Sometimes, I really miss Lausanne and speaking of which, I still owe Cryille a letter. His second baby shall be due any time soon. Last time I saw him and his wife was in Zurich. We had a blast spending the tranquil afternoon in the park, along the lake, and at that authentic Chinese restaurant. It was such a fatabulous day! Oh, by the way, that McDonald’s near the bridge hadn’t changed a bit when I visited Zurich again after almost seven years. The first time I was there I had just finished my in-training at Mont-Pelerin.

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